Saturday, February 04, 2006


on my mother's hands. :[

she told me she had scraped some skin off her finger while hanging out the laundry, and had a band-aid on. before going out to her choir session, she asked me for some antiseptic cream as she wanted to change the plaster. i took a bottle of antiseptic alcohol, cotton squares and antiseptic cream to her, when she said she didn't clean the wound earlier. when the plaster came off, i was shocked. it was a deep, gaping wound and a lot of blood. i immediately demanded that we go to the doctor's and she flat refused. i cleaned it as well as i could, applied the cream, and then a fresh plaster. walked back to my room to put everything back while feeling very disturbed. put things down, turned back out and told her again why i think she should go to the doctor's. she dismissed it, changed the subject to her new shoes, aren't-they-pretty, not-to-worry-i'll-be-fine... and off she went.


i'm going to call dad.


Blogger gremlin said...

how sweet :) this is how my daughter will turn out - hopefully. if I do my job right. I'm so full of hope. can you believe my word verification reads "paniq"?! I swear these things are clairvoyant or something. I shan't. I shall calmly do my job right and if she turns out right, I'll be the happiest on earth. am such a worrier.

1:05 PM  
Blogger valkyrie said...

lol @ paniq. yeh it gets a little freaky sometimes! then there are days when it churns out alphabets which i seriously cannot decipher... are there difficulty levels set to this thing?

i didn't used to care so much for my mother until i lived away from her for four years. :) all i can say is, if you have a difficult teenager, don't lose hope - she'll come around one day (possibly sometime in her twenties).

ps. it's ok to worry. as long as it doesn't translate into nagging! :D i think i love mother a little less when she nags.

10:21 PM  

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