Friday, March 17, 2006


she just managed to make me cry, my own mother did.

my health report came back. some bad news. which may possibly turn into more bad news after i am monitored for a month.

she laughed and said i'm being stupid.

she actually laughed at my blood test results.

i am quite in disbelief.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

it's a fine line

between love and hatred.

do i know when enough is enough?

when does faith become stupidity?

i wish there was a formula to apply.

games are for children.

and i am tired.

Thursday, March 09, 2006


i knew it would come to this.

i hardly have time to breathe and sleep, am struggling to keep the canyon updated (it's still lagging by a week and a half) and my arm is beginning to get used to muscle strain from typing and mousing too much.

but i still like talking to myself, so this blog stays.